
In design, particularly for websites,
there are several fundamental principles
that designers often consider. These
principles might are crucial to geometric
web design as well.



Definition: A grid is a structured framework made up of intersecting vertical and horizontal lines that form a series of squares or rectangles. It serves as a guide for organizing and aligning elements within a design.
Purpose: The grid provides a sense of order and consistency to a design. It helps in creating a visually appealing layout by ensuring proper alignment and spacing of elements.
Implementation: Designers often use grid systems to establish a modular layout, making it easier to position and align elements consistently.



Definition: Scale refers to the size of elements in relation to one another or to the overall design. It involves manipulating the proportions of objects to create emphasis, hierarchy, and visual interest.
Purpose: Using scale effectively allows designers to draw attention to specific elements, create focal points, and establish a sense of hierarchy.
Implementation: Designers may use varying scales to emphasize the importance of certain elements, such as headlines or key visuals.



Definition: Balance is the distribution of visual weight within a design. It involves arranging elements so that no single part overpowers the others, creating a sense of equilibrium.
Purpose: Achieving balance is crucial for creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design.
Implementation: Designers use symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements based on the desired visual effect.


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