we take your big


and bring them to life

We are itwins

two brothers in love with technology and what it can do for people, we wantto witness and be a part of the brighter tomorrow

Our network

using our nerwork in the industry we put together the perfect team to work on your project

How we work

we search amongst the many talented profesionals and cheripic them to suit the idea you want to bring to life

We craft


Mobile apps


Why do you want to build a mobile app? Do you want to ride the wave of other entrepreneurs, or did you come across a problem that you feel you can resolve? The answer to this question will determine whether your app will be successful or not. We help you not only by developing your app but also fiding your space in the market!

goal and strategy setting

rapid prototyping

user testing

Ux, motion & visual design

Web apps


It's been awhile since I've had to sit down and actually build something for the web. When I started developing websites way back in 1995 there really were not a lot of choices other than a text editor and some good old fashion trial and error. Today we craft custom design high end websites and portals for most demonding branches of the market using edge cuting technologies with best optimalization for mobile devices!

goal and strategy setting

rapid UX prototyping

Bootstraping mobile & tablet devices

using technologies as PWA, Bootstrap 4.0 and many more

Interactive & VR


We do interactive instlations and VR/AR custom apps to bring most of fun from our costumers driven by best graphic engines on the market. Results are always spectacular!

VR with HTC Vive

We use AR Core and ARKIT

Depth cameras, infrared, embeded systems- thats our daily life!

Digital signage is our second name






CTO & co-funder


Happiness Manager

Start a


Tell us about your idea

Do your best to describe the technologies you would
like to use and the scope of your idea.

Write to us at:
